Domestic Violence Charges
We are a team of practiced attorneys dedicated exclusively to defending individuals accused of crimes in Minnesota. At CJB law, we help clients minimize the consequences of domestic violence allegations including spousal and child abuse charges.
Our Background
Knowledge and Experience
Allegations of domestic violence are often extremely damaging, carrying both criminal and ancillary penalties that can affect virtually all areas of a defendant’s life. Depending on the circumstances, a charge of domestic violence may result in: Prison time | A criminal record | The loss of your right to own a weapon | A domestic violence no-contact order that may prevent you from seeing your loved ones or even entering your own home
While we protect your legal rights in negotiations or trial, we will also work with you to develop a plan for your future. Our goal is to improve your life during the immediate resolution of your case and in the long run.
Even if the accusations against you are dropped or proven false, these consequences can have a lasting impact. We will immediately begin investigating and developing a strategy to get ahead of the allegations and protect your interests.