Prostitution & Solicitation
Sex crimes like prostitution, solicitation or loitering with intent to prostitute are the subject of scrutiny and sensationalism by the public and the media. When you are facing these charges, it is essential that you work with a lawyer who can protect your rights in court and take steps to safeguard your privacy and reputation.
We are a team of experienced and dedicated criminal defense attorneys helping individuals in central and western Minnesota. We provide experienced, discreet counsel in the face of charges involving prostitution or solicitation.
Our Background
A Fighter In Your Corner
The Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension and other law enforcement agencies put substantial resources into monitoring websites that may be used to advertise prostitution. Many charges involving prostitution or solicitation involve sting operations or undercover officers attempting to entice a defendant into breaking the law.
Too often, innocent people get caught in the crossfire of these investigations. We will work with you to manage your defense and keep your private matters as private as possible. We take a personalized approach to your case and can speak candidly about your options and minimize your risk of exposure to criminal penalties or harmful publicity.
When bringing allegations against an individual or business, law enforcement officials may fail to follow the proper procedures or respect the civil rights of adult work providers and customers. At CJB Law, we hold these officers responsible for their actions, ensuring that any evidence on the table was obtained lawfully.